Fine Art

When I feel detached from myself and what I love to do, I paint. This is definitely the sort of thing I’ll work on through my whole life and probably never be finished with, and that’s okay. Plein air painting for me is definitely 90% about the process, 10% about the result. Every time I do it, it alters how I think about art, and what I’m trying to do with it in a personal and commercial sense. Those studies and realizations then feed into my more refined fine art and how I approach things like the tree ladies from my Arbor Gala line. Those are a celebration of nature, too. How the leaves grow and fall. Scroll to see my original poem that inspired the series! Mostly, I think that impressionistic painting is one of the most pure forms of art; trying to capture not just the existing shapes of what is seen, but what is felt and perceived beyond the eyes. I look forward to continuing to develop that particular muscle.

Arbor Gala prints are available in my shop as well as other paintings.